The Harbringer - Prelude

Session 1

The prelude begins in Gus's Tavern and Inn, a small tavern (and inn) located in the small town of Ravenhurst. Lieutenant Halar Highwind and two of his men walk in early afternoon, looking to purchase a few new rounds on their extended shore leave in the small hamlet. As usual, the tavern is sparsely populated for lunch time: the establishment's owner Gus stands behind the bar, cleaning glassware; a pair of foresters are enjoying their lunch at the dining table, while a drunkard leans back in a booth with his hat over his face. A stranger from out of town - Bianfu Komori - is stowed away in a corner table, nursing a drink while monitoring the room. Highwind walks up the bar with his men, while a new overnight guest makes his way down the stairs for food. His name is Mugen Rokuro, and he is exhausted having traveled up the length of the river for nearly a week straight.

Eventually, stuff happens, and there's a fight at the docks. There's a company of men, led by Captain Alexander Grau, surrounding Sanchez for reasons we'll get into later.

Session 2

Session 2 was almost entirely battle-driven. The set up being from the previous session that our heroes came upon a stranger, glowing as they were, surrounded and being beaten by Realm guards, while the guard captain Grau looked on in disdain. Mugen provided a distraction while Bianfu, Jon, and Halar attempted to ambush Grau and his guards from behind. Eventually, the man on the dock Sanchez gained a "second wind" of sorts, breaking free of the guards and joining in the fight.



At the end of the skirmish, all but two guards had perished. One remaining guard was knocked unconscious and profusely bleeding from his right shoulder, while the other collapsed in defeat, bruised and defeated. Grau and his boat had escaped down the river, and Halar had dove into the river to retrieve his sword.

TheHarbingerPrelude (last edited 2016-09-09 03:10:16 by Rowsdower)